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How we can help you become a marine biologist

Men feeding animals

For some people, the 9-5 life is not for them. There are those out there who dream of more exciting careers that take them away from the regular scenes of day-to-day life into thrilling territories. If you’re one of these people, then we have the career for you… become a marine biologist!

What is a marine biologist?

A marine biologist is a type of scientist who studies marine life and organisms. Some focus on marine animals, some focus on plant life, and others may choose to specialise in habitats and activities.
Depending on their chosen area of study, they can work hands-on in the field, diving underwater to examine further. Or they may choose to work more behind the scenes in laboratories conducting experiments and observations.

Responsibilities of a marine biologist

  • Conducting species inventories
  • Testing and monitoring sea creatures exposed to pollutants
  • Keeping up to date with new research and technology
  • Preserving specimens and samples of unknown species and diseases
  • Carry out environmental impact assessments
  • Communicating the latest advances in marine science
  • Developing, implementing and managing projects relating to the marine environment

Why become a marine biologist?

  • Love animals, particularly marine animals?
  • Great at and enjoy swimming?
  • Not afraid to get your hands dirty?

Then becoming a marine biologist could be the perfect career choice for you.

How much do marine biologists earn?

An entry-level job as a research field assistant can start from £12,000, whilst an apprentice lab technician can earn up to £14,000 per year. Meanwhile, consultancy work can bring in up to £30,000.

Experienced marine biologists will get paid in accordance to the local salary from where they’re working at the time. PHD holders salaries can be between £26,000 and £35,000.

Some marine laboratories, however, pay between £28,000 to £45,000 on a university lecturer scale.

CEOs in non-governmental organisations earn upwards of £40,000, whilst high-level researches can get up to £90,000 and university deans will earn around £120,000.

How do you become a marine biologist?

Like many scientific careers, there is a very full journey of studying and qualifications that need to take place before you can become a marine biologist.

Luckily for you, Open Study College can kick-start your career and help you on your way.
First, you must study GCSEs.

These start the foundation of your learning, and it is necessary to have them in subjects such as Biology, Physics or Chemistry.

Then, you move onto A Levels.

These will build on what you have learnt at GCSE level and allow you to focus your knowledge. A Levels also provide you with the necessary UCAS points that are required in order for you to gain entry into university.

After that, the choice is yours.

In regard to undergraduate study, many choose to specify in Marine Biology, whereas some take a broader approach by studying Biology and then specialising once this is completed.

In some cases, students choose to study additional theory courses to broaden their knowledge and enhance their CVs. For example, our Marine Biology Level 3 course.

Sound like the career for you? Take a look at our website for our extensive list of courses that can help you become a marine biologist.

Or call 03300 563 100 to talk to our student adviser team about your options.

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