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Six ways to boost brain health

woman reading a book

Everyone wants to be at their optimum physical health, however as people get older it's completely natural for the brain to age too. Whilst everyone is searching for ways to live longer, there are some activities that you can do to help improve your overall brain health.

Our Development Expert here at Open Study College, Zoe Walters, reveals six activities you can include in your everyday life that will help to boost your brain health.

Eat your way to better brain health

The benefits of brain boosting foods are well documented, so you can literally eat your way to better brain health. Well researched foods to include in your diet may be those rich in Omega fatty acids such as oily fish, broccoli and other green leafy vegetables, tea and coffee – caffeine is the magic ingredient here, and berries.

Learn something new

There are lots of benefits of learning something new, not only does it open the door for more career opportunities, but it’s also good for the brain too! Continuous lifelong learning helps to improve cognitive ability and provide an overall healthier mindset. Whether it’s an online course ( in something you enjoy, or learning a new instrument or language, there are plenty of things you can do to boost your brain. A study by Anderson ert al (2020) concluded that there is a moderate benefit to bilingualism in terms of protecting against dementia although further studies are needed.

Take a sauna

It might not be the first thing you think of when it comes to boosting brain health, but taking a regular sauna can actually help significantly. In fact, saunas improve circulation which has a positive effect on serotonin levels, boosting those ‘happy hormones’, in a similar way exercise does. Not only will a regular sauna help you to feel more relaxed and boost your mood, but it also improves cognitive function too.

Clean your house

Giving your home a clean has many other benefits than just making your space feel nice and fresh. In fact, the act of cleaning can help to boost your mood, improve focus and reduce anxiety, resulting in an overall improvement on your brain health. It's also good for your brain to have regular routines, so add a spot of cleaning to your daily to-do list for a mental health boost!

Read a book

Reading is known for its calming effects on the brain and mental health benefits, but it also has many other perks too. Not only does reading help to expand knowledge and improve vocabulary and memory, but it also strengthens the brain too. Regular reading helps to reduce natural brain function decline and improve sleep – but it’s best to read a paper book rather than an eReader as this can have the opposite effect from the blue light.

Exercise daily

Most commonly known for improving mental health, exercise is key for the brain and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Exercise helps to reduce stress which in turn helps you to sleep better, have more energy, and also boost memory. So whether it's a walk, jog, a class in the gym, or lifting weights, it’s important to find the right exercise for you as the brain health benefits are unmatched.

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